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What is the The Pro-Feminine Movement? [Video]

What is the The Pro-Feminine Movement? [Video]

For over 100 years feminism has attempted to redefine femininity away from its traditional role as a complement to masculinity. The results have been millions of confused men and women, as well as a general disrespect for true femininity and masculinity.

Instead of pushing women to be poor imitations of men, true femininity promotes complementary roles for men and women. In this podcast I discuss the The Pro-Feminine Movement with Coach Jennifer Cross of Fascinating Womanhood.

You can follow Jennifer at:

Your Sexual Market Value with Richard Nikoley of [video]

Your Sexual Market Value with Richard Nikoley of [video]

How we MUST fix the Sexual Market, with guest Curt Doolittle of The Propertarian Institute [Video]

How we MUST fix the Sexual Market, with guest Curt Doolittle of The Propertarian Institute [Video]