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How we MUST fix the Sexual Market, with guest Curt Doolittle of The Propertarian Institute [Video]

How we MUST fix the Sexual Market, with guest Curt Doolittle of The Propertarian Institute [Video]

The western sexual market is broken and distorted. It no longer serves the needs of families, men, women and children. The results are high divorce rates, children raised without stable families, unhappiness, heartbreak and worse.

Noah Revoy and a very special guest Curt Doolittle discuss the following 4 vital questions that must be answered to fix the wests sexual market and make families great again.

  1. In what ways is the sexual marketplace currently distorted and how could it be fixed?

  2. What is the most important thing that a man can do to raise his SMV?

  3. What is the most important thing that a woman can do to raise her SMV?

  4. What role does violence play in the sexual marketplace and how would you change that?

What is the The Pro-Feminine Movement? [Video]

What is the The Pro-Feminine Movement? [Video]

Lessons for your daughter or how parents can counter feminist propaganda [video]

Lessons for your daughter or how parents can counter feminist propaganda [video]