All tagged r-selected

Shit r-selected people say, Volume 1, The Cuckening.

As a K-selected person you need to quickly identify and avoid socializing with r-selected people. Even more importantly you want to avoid dating or marrying them as I have explained in the past. 

Unfortunately, we can't trust r-selected people to voluntarily self identify. I've had plenty of self proclaimed K-selected people respond with typical r-selected programing. Deception is an integral part of the r strategy. They lie and they take truth and twist it.

MGTOW is an r-selected Beta survival strategy [Video]

Men who are r-selected encounter exclusively horrible r-selected women. These toxic women will destroy anyone they get into a romantic relationship with. Not dating such women is a smart move. Unlike K-selected men, who have access to K-selected women, the r-seleced man has no other romantic options.

Beta r-selected men wanting to avoid the pain and suffering of dating r-selected women are going their own way, giving up on dating, marriage and children. This might be a valid survival strategy for these men.

Advice for Women. Do Not Date r-selected Men! [Video]

If you want a happy, healthy, marriage don't date an r-selected man.

The original concept of applying r/K selection theory to human behavior was expressed by Anonymous Conservative. Stefan Molyneux produced a series of easily digestible videos covering the subject. Stefan Molyneux - "Gene Wars | r/K Selection Theory" Series

r/K selection links:
- r/K Selection Matrix and the Alpha vs Beta Male (

- Anonymous Conservative (

- Gene Wars | r/K Selection Theory (

Filmed while my young son and his friends played at the park. At one point there is a cut, my son knocked the camera over.