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Raise your SMV by slaying dragons: The Legend of St. George and the Dragon [Hero's journey]

Raise your SMV by slaying dragons: The Legend of St. George and the Dragon [Hero's journey]

Western society is collapsing. The dragons of chaos are stirring again in the form of mass invasions by dangerous hostiles, the widespread promotion of false narratives, and moral decay. The root cause of our troubles is the weakness of men who seek comfort and security at all costs. Dishonorable men who would trade the future for a day's peace. 

This isn't the first time that our civilization has been menaced by total collapse, nor will it be the last. By acting honorably and by facing the danger threatening our society we can slay dragons.

In a very practical, everyday way we are constantly at war with the unknown. Overcoming our fear, deep anxiety, social awkwardness, moral temptation and false narratives is never easy. Rejecting the easy way out requires sacrifice and discomfort.

The men who do what must be done will get the rewards. Nothing says high SMV like a masculine man that knows how to finish a task that other men are afraid to start.

The Legend of St. George and the Dragon

The story of St George has many versions, some very short and others much longer. The main story is one of a man who bravely faces the danger of the unknown in the form of a dragon of chaos. By overcoming hardships he reaps the rewards of his efforts in every possible way. Most importantly he maintains his honour and stays true to his beliefs.

This version of the story was compiled, expanded and modernized from several ancient versions plus some additions, by me, Noah J Revoy. About 90% of this version are my words.


Back in the days following the collapse of the Roman Empire but before the evil Mohammedans had started to spread their foul religion, most of the civilized world was Christian. Over centuries their ancestors had built for them comfortable and safe cities. 

Populations grew quickly as complex water works and agricultural advances fed the people. A brilliantly designed network of roads enabled global trade, which brought great abundance to the cultured and education urbanites of the Christian cities from Britannia in the north to Africa in the south.

But the good times were not to last. Without the maintenance, structure and civilization provided by the Pax Romana their world started to collapse back into chaos, death and destruction. Most men, weakened by centuries of peace, comfort and luxury hid behind their walls while outside the ancient terrors returned. This was a time of dragons and chaos. 

A land in distress

In North Africa a brave knight who we now call St. George travelled with his entourage for many months by land and sea until he came to a great Christian city in Libya. As he approached the city he met a poor hermit who told him that everyone in that land was in great distress, for a dragon had long ravaged the country.

“Once, not long ago,” said the old man “that great lake that is in front of our city was full of fresh, cool water. It was abundant with fish and frogs. Birds of all sorts landed there to drink and feed. Many of us ate the production of the lake and the rest used its water to feed our animals and cultivate our vegetables.

“Then the lake became putrid, slowly at first, but over time it came to stink. The fish died, the frogs went away, the birds would not return. If our animals drank from it they became sick and our crops withered without its clean water. We mourned the loss of our dear lake, but still we had our wealth and our city with its high walls. Back then even I was a rich man. So we traded for what we could not make and life continued on almost as well as before.”

  • In mythology lakes often are linked to fertility and femininity. The pollution and loss of the lake (the loss of femininity) ment the loss of fertility and a good life for the people. 

  • The high walled city is symbolic of masculinity. In this case it's the masculinity of the city builders, generations before. 

  • You can live off your ancestors accomplishments for a while, but that has limits.

“One day a dragon appeared in our lake, attracted from far away by the smell of decay. Soon he began to cause us mischief. He would dailly fly over our city spewing fire and poison. The great men of the city gathered together in council and decided to leave the dragon some food as a payment in exchange for no longer harming us.”

  • The r-selected elders of the city try to appease the danger rather than facing it themselves. They are willing to buy peace at the cost of starvation.

  • The lake (distorted, infertile femininity) attracts pests and dangerous beasts.

  • The walls of the city (past generations masculinity and hard work) does not protect weak men who are unwilling to man the walls and defend their borders.

“The very next day chosen men brought all the food in the city and deposited it near the lake. The dragon rose from the waters to eat it all in a single mouthful. Instead of being thankful he bellowed ‘It's not your food I want!’ Then he flew into a rage, spitting fire on the city once more.”

  • Bribing a monster will not save you from it. 

“The next day the city elders met again. This time they said ‘we can reason with the beast, it speaks. Perhaps he's fond gold and treasure, just like any man?’ We will empty our pockets and buy ourselves a bit of peace.’”

  • People who think only of wealth mistakenly believe that all men are like them. Some men don't care about getting rich, they just want to see the world burn.

“The very next day chosen men brought all the wealth in the city and deposited it near the lake. The dragon rose from the waters and scooped the treasure up into his hand. Instead of being thankful he bellowed ‘It's not your gold I want!’ Then he flew into a rage, spitting fire on the city once more.”

“We have offended the great beast, we must make atonement for our sins. Perhaps the dragon will be placated if we offer it our sons?” Said the city elders. “We shall sacrifice a young man to appease the monster. Then we will truly have peace.”

  • False guilt and empathy for a dragon is cultural suicide.

  • Old people sacrificing their children and grandchildren to get a moment's peace is not a new phenomenon.

“The very next day chosen men brought a peasant boy, bound in chains and fixed him to a large stake near the lake. The dragon rose from the waters and gobbled the boy down with a single bite. Now the dragon seemed to smile and said in a loud voice ‘You have bought yourselves 3 days of peace.’”

  • Monsters are never satisfied with your sacrifices. They always want more.

“Every 3 days since then” said the old hermit, “we have sacrificed a young man to the great dragon. When the city ran out of boys we offered the beast our daughters. Now all that's left are the old, the weak, the sick and the king's daughter, whom he held back until now. Tomorrow she too is to be offered to the dragon and three days later we are all doomed!”

  • When a society sacrifices the young to benefit the old it destroys the future. With any young people a culture dies.

  • So many childless people are more concerned with how it affects them rather than the fact they have no genetic future.

A Hero's Quest

It was after sunset by the time the hermit had finished speaking. When St. George heard his story, he was determined to try and save the princess and slay the dragon, so he rested that night in the hermit's hut, and at daybreak set out to the valley of the lake, where the dragon lived.

When he drew near he saw a little procession of old women, headed by a beautiful girl dressed in pure Arabian silk. The princess Sabra was being led by her attendants to the place of sacrifice. The knight spurred his horse and overtook the ladies. He comforted them with brave words and persuaded the princess to return to the palace. Then he entered the valley heading for the waters.

  • One of the main responsibilities of men is to make women feel safe from danger.

As soon as the dragon saw him it rushed from a cave, roaring with a voice louder than thunder, “I am Chaos. I am Mystery. I am Death. Weak and puny human, how dare you defy me. Do you not know that even kings fear me? Come to me so that I may devour you!”

Unlike so many others St. George did not give the beast the satisfaction of showing fear. Long ago he had accepted the hero's path. As long as he acted with honour he would not be overwhelmed by fear discomfort, pain or death. He yelled out “If you can!” with a hearty voice.

  • Never show your enemy fear, even when you are afraid.

Both the dragon and St George now charged at each other, quickly closing the distance between them. The fighting was hot and heavy. Neither side would give or take quarter. The knight skillfully struck the monster in the head with his spear, hoping he would wound it but the dragon was fast and full of energy. Time and time again St George would strike and the dragon would evade him or else the spear would be deflected off of his hard scales.

  • We need skills if we want to slay dragons. Mastery of our chousen skill set is an essential part of masculinity. 

Finally the brave knights aim was true and as he thrust his spear it pierced the dragon's mouth, giving him a mortal wound. The blow was so hard that the spear broke into a thousand pieces sending St George falling from his horse.

  • Sometimes, even when we are winning we will get knocked down.


From the now injured mouth of the dragon it's poisonous blood spewed forth covering the knight's armor. St George’s head began to swim. Darkness enveloped him and he collapsed as the dying dragon fled to its cave.

  • The poison coming from the dragons mouth is symbolic of toxic lies. If you are fighting dragons you can expect to be slandered, called names and attacked verbally. It might even cause you to feel like giving up.

  • Fighting dragons can plunge us into darkness if we let their poison rub off on us.

  • Even injured and dying dragons are dangerous.

Our hero would have died right there if the princess Sabra had not been watching the battle. Impressed with his prowess she had fallen in love with him. Seeing the brave knight fall down as if dead stirred her to action. She ran to St George, wiped the dragon's blood away with her scarf and cradled his head in her lap as she began to weep over him.

It is little known in these days, but the tears of a virgin lady for the man she loves can purify his blood and cure the illness caused by a dragon's poison. Drop by drop St George regained his senses. Soon he was feeling strong again.

  • Even a strong man can benefit from the love, care and attention of a good woman.

  • The love of a good woman's can “purge the darkness” from a man and give him an extra reason to keep fighting.

“Oh maiden, there is no need to weep for I was just resting my eyes.” Said St George as he sat up. “As you can see, I am now unharmed, but dragons do not die so easily. I must follow him into his cave and finish my grim task.” In reply the princess Sabra pleaded with him “Promise me this brave knight, that you will return and be my husband.” St George answered her “If God wills that I live you will be the mother of my children.” 

  • Finish what you started. Dont half ass things, especially dangerous situations.


Springing up from the ground St George grabbed his sword and shield. As he approached the cave he heard once again the voice of the dragon, but this time it was pleading and vulnerable, “You have done me wrong sir and now you want to finish me? Are you not ashamed to kill a weakened opponent? You are a murder, you ‘brave’ knights always persecute my kind. But my cave is full of riches. If you leave me alone I will go to another land and I shall reward you with gold, and kingdoms and fame beyond your wildest imagination.”

  • False guilt, unearned shame and bribery are all tools used by the wicked to weaken our resolve.

“What good is gold or kingdoms or fame if I must sacrifice my honour to aid a dragon? No, today you die. You shall not pass on to plague another people. You are my responsibility.” He then stepped into the cave to confront the beast but all he saw was a beautiful, naked woman.

  • Nothing is worth giving up your ethics and honour.

“You can not kill me, for I am eternal. If you strike me I shall rise up again in another time and place. I stood before your ancestors and I will face your children too.” Next she tried a new tactic. Holding out a glass of wine to him she said, “Why would you want that virgin woman? Come, join with me, together we can enjoy the temptations of the flesh.” this time the dragon's voice was soft and seductive, but St George was not fooled. He could see that her mouth was still dripping with poison.

  • Don't be fooled by easy women. They are poisonous.

“My ancestors struck you down, as will I today and my sons tomorrow.” Quickly he lunged at the dragon while she was yet in the form of a woman and separated her head from her body. “Enough of you, foul beast.”

As soon as he finished striking, the dragon in death returned to its true form. The cave was shown to be full up with treasure. St George instructed his men to enter the cave and pack all the gold and jewels on carts. Now he mounted his horse, and arranged another horse for his bride.

  • Kill the dragon. Save the girl. Get the gold.

They rode into the great city where together they ruled justly and had many children. At the birth of their first child the lake returned to its former fertility. All their sons became great knights who did powerful deeds and all their daughters were ladies of the best character. St George himself did many more great deeds to aid his people, too many to list here. 

  • Our culture will become beautiful, refreshing and fertile again only when we start having children of our own.

  • Raise some great children to carry on your legacy.


What can men learn about raising their SMV from the The Legend of St. George and the Dragon?

  • A society that lets feminity get corrupted will lose its fertility and attract dangerous beasts.

  • Women want and need a man that makes them feel safe.

  • Only dangerous men can do what's needed to make a woman feel safe. 

  • Harmless men, like the men of the city are useless men.

  • A woman's love and attention can help a man to overcome his limitations.

  • You can't slay chaos forever. That's why you raise your children right, so that they can overcome the chaos dragon when it's their turn.


  • What's your dragon of chaos? 

  • How do you plan to slay it? 

  • What reward do you think you will obtain by overcoming your dragon?

  • What monsters have you already overcome in your life?

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The Female Hero Archetype: Raise your SMV by acting out your Hero Archetype [Hero's journey]

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