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A New Way to Understand “Alpha” and “Beta”

August 4, 2017 Doc Meski Leave a comment

Here is a great explanation of something that has confused many people. What really makes an “alpha” or a “beta?” Noah J Revoy shows how these terms can only be understood fully when combining them with the r/K selection strategy concept.

Is an “alpha” the kind of guy who steps into a nightclub and instantly gets three hotties hanging on him . . . or is an “alpha” the kind of guy who works hard to become successful in his business and home life so he can be a rock for his family to grow and thrive with? The answer is that an alpha can be either type. When we add the idea of r/K selection to the mix, we can see the alpha/beta dichotomy in a whole new light.

Read more here.

What is Dating and Courtship?

What is Dating and Courtship?

Men! Do not date r-selected women! [Video]

Men! Do not date r-selected women! [Video]