All in Personality

How to Act: A Simple Guide For Smart People

Generally in life who acts first wins the day, at least in the short term. While you are deciding what to do the midwits and low IQ normies are pounding your face in, or talking to that girl you want to talk to, or launching that business that you have been thinking about starting. Unless you want that to be your life forever, follow my advice.

Defeating Your Inner Bully

We have met the enemy, and it is us.

Inside of each of us is a bully. This bully pushes us around. Beats us up. Tells us we are failures, tells us we are worthless. He knocks us down, sits on our chest and refuses to let us get up. You can’t reason with this bully, you can’t trick him. The only thing you can do is fight him.

Nice Guys Are Not Good Men

Our modern western world is over saturated by Nice Guys. Men who at first appear decent and well adjusted if unlucky in life but upon closer inspection reveal themselves to be hollow, broken men, unable to deal with the uncertainties of the real world.