You do not find yourself, you build yourself.
Or more accurately you rebuild yourself, over and over again as your life evolves and your needs change.
Here is how that process should work.
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You do not find yourself, you build yourself.
Or more accurately you rebuild yourself, over and over again as your life evolves and your needs change.
Here is how that process should work.
In a year where everyone's life feels increasingly out of control, two men created a much-needed course on how to take your own life back. TW interviews Noah Revoy and Ryan Drummond about their new course, Reprogram Your Life.
Get the course here:
I believe "Reprogram Your Life: Your Pathway to Agency" is a book that will develop individuals into someone that is grounded to stand on their own to feet in any situation. I would rank this book right next to Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life" & my personal favorite "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankyl. I truly enjoyed our conversation & hoping to have Noah as a guest again in the future.
Noah and James return to address the concern that the Patriarchy would be all work and no reward for MEN.
Feasting and fasting are a natural part of who we are. Embrace your ancestors traditions.
Generally in life who acts first wins the day, at least in the short term. While you are deciding what to do the midwits and low IQ normies are pounding your face in, or talking to that girl you want to talk to, or launching that business that you have been thinking about starting. Unless you want that to be your life forever, follow my advice.
Semi-regular guest Noah Revoy, patriarch and life coach, returns to the show to talk about his new project, the Sovereign American Project.
Our great men and women must cooperate, as the Patriarchy and Matriarchy cooperated in the past, to support each other and to deny the Evil Elites power over us. Together we can rebuild Order out of Chaos.
How should a man find their purpose in this crazy world to be a strong man for their wife? Coach Noah Revoy is a coach who helps young men find their purpose.
I stopped by for a chat with Restoration Radio host TW.
We discussed King Culture, Agency and Sovereignty!
Why do we say that "only male Agency will save the West"?
Agency is the ability to master your thoughts, emotions and actions to the level that your station in life requires as a means of filling your hierarchy of needs.
Heiðrún joins me for part 1 of a 4 part series to discuss the development of the Western mind starting with "The Trifunctional Hypothesis".
To heal the Western spirt we must understand from where it originated.
Thank you Tim Wilms for having me on your show.
We speak about love, relationships, reciprocity, women’s vote, protecting yourself from #MeToo etc.
Aesthetics and appearance are a language. What is your appearance saying about you? What message are other people perceiving based on your dress, grooming and style?
In this video I interview Maria Al Masani about how curating your appearance can help women get what they want out of life, love and business.
Should men be vulnerable? Should we demonstrate our feelings or emotions? How can men have a healthy relationship with their emotions? James and I address these issues in this episode of Patriarch Hour.
“In this video, I chat with Noah Revoy of about his methods for helping men gain more agency. This is greatly needed at this time in history when we need men of agency to defend our civilization.
We also discuss the manosphere and the different personality types that manifest there.”
In the spring I will be speaking at the first ever 22Convention. This video explains why it's vital to attend and how you will benefit from my presentation on the subject of Female Agency.
Affirmations can change your life. In this post one of my Agency course alumni explains how he is using affirmations to become The Master of his life.