All tagged agency

9to5 Show - EP09 - Reprogram Your Life

In a year where everyone's life feels increasingly out of control, two men created a much-needed course on how to take your own life back. TW interviews Noah Revoy and Ryan Drummond about their new course, Reprogram Your Life.

Get the course here:

What is Male Agency?


Why do we say that "only male Agency will save the West"?

Agency is the ability to master your thoughts, emotions and actions to the level that your station in life requires as a means of filling your hierarchy of needs.

What is Frame?

Recently I mentioned “frame” on social media. The most common question I got was “what is frame?” This post will explain what I mean when I write or talk about frame.

Why do smart people do stupid things? [Activity]

If you have ever asked yourself “why do smart people do stupid things?” Or, if you have at times asked that question about yourself than this post will change your life.

We all know someone who is highly intelligent and masterful in one area but desperately lacking in other, vital areas. Perhaps they are amazing at making money but terrible at managing it, or great at making acquaintances, but unable to keep long term friends. Really smart about politics but unable to create a fulfilling career. Able to help others but unable to help themselves.

It may even be closer to us personally if we are disappointed that we are not living up to our potential, self sabotaging, making the same mistakes over and over again, stuck in a bad pattern but unsure why or what to do about it. This post will help you to understand the root cause, the why you do the things you do.

The Danger Of Unrealistic Romantic Expectations Part 2: Delusions

When I was originally titling this series I thought about calling it “The Danger of Romantic Delusions”. That title however was a bit off putting and the objective of a blog posts title is to get people to read the post.

My reluctance to use that title doesn't change the fact that the root cause of unrealistic romantic expectations is delusion. In fact romance itself is connected with an idealized, subjective, anti-rational and even delusional view of the world and sexual dynamics.